
06. April 2020

LEAX Group senarelägger årsstämman



LEAX Group senarelägger årsstämman

I rådande läge med hög osäkerhet och en rad förändringar på kort tid till följd av den snabba spridningen av Covid-19, har LEAX Groups styrelse beslutat att skjuta upp årsstämman till ett senare datum. Detta för att ha mer tid att utvärdera situationen och om den påverkar styrelsens förslag till stämman. 

Årsstämman var ursprungligen planerad att hållas den 8 maj 2020 i Köping.

LEAX Group återkommer med en kallelse till årsstämma senast fyra veckor före det nya datumet. Stämman kommer att hållas senast den 30 juni i enlighet med gällande lagstiftning.



LEAX Group postpones the Annual General Meeting

Due to the current situation with high uncertainty and several changes in a short period of time relating to the rapid spread of Covid-19, LEAX Board of Directors has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting (AGM). This is done in order to further evaluate the situation and its potential effects on the Board’s proposal to the AGM.

The AGM was scheduled for May 8, 2020 in Köping. 

LEAX will publish a new invitation to the AGM no later than four weeks prior to the new date. The AGM will at the latest be held on 30 June, in accordance with existing legislation.


About LEAX:
LEAX Group AB (publ) is the parent company of a group (“LEAX Group”) with about 1 200 employees. LEAX has operations in Köping, Falun and Falköping in Sweden, Riga and Rezekne in Latvia, Curitiba in Brazil, Detmold in Germany, Mezökövesd in Hungary and Wuxi in China. The company is a manufacturer of mechanical components and subsystems for the heavy vehicle industry, passenger cars, mining and construction industries and other engineering industries. LEAX Group also delivers customized gearboxes for various mechanical engineering industries. The Group have a turnover of more than SEK 1,8 billion on a yearly basis.


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